Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Getting on the Roller Coaster

You know when you're in the queue waiting to get on the roller coaster? Those 30 minutes or so seem like forever. You're standing in line, you're frightened and excited. The seconds seem like minutes, the minutes like eternity. You see people getting off the roller coaster on the other side, some are thrilled, some are throwing up, and it scares you.

The ride seems so cool and exciting, but it's scary because you just don't know how steep and fast it is. You can't imagine it, but you can see yourself on the ride.

That's pretty much my life these days. I've been in the queue now for ages and I just want to get it over with.

5 days to go.


Basma said...

Sometimes the ride is worth the hang in there!

Nag said...

the fun is juuuuuuust getting started..

For better or for worse, you'll never know unless you try.. you already know that :)

there will be good times and bad times, learn to enjoy the good and float with the bad, dont push it, dont rush it, and never ever give up.. you are known to pursue what you want, so pursue it goddamit!

I didnt continue the story:
- and am like dude
- and he's like no way
- and am like hell yeah!
- and he's like "but.."
- and am like "no buts"
- and he's like *bang*

Artistic differences ;)